Sin and Magick
Introducing two characters of S-L-U:
The Apple and The Priestess
The Priestess:
(Role Band Leader)
The Black Poisoned Apple, or divinely, Apple Rose,
a character that embodies the weapon of Sin. The original Sin being that of knowledge; The Apple's wit will either Enlighten or corrupt. As an immortal vampiric angel of desire and enchantment, Sin is notably the most stealthy and cunning of all. Known for infectious charm and beguilement, that is irresistible and yet, able to temperate anyone, the witful and artful Black Poisoned Apple may either consume or inspire you, but only the Apple knows their own actions. The Apple is indulgent in love and beauty, and idles away many hours in the temple garden, relishing the peace they find there. Having joined with the Priestess via encouragement of a dear friend, The Apple has vast loyalty to any cause The Priestess deems worthy. The Apple is a valued member of Rammiel's Covenant for their wisdom and knowledge. It is The Apple's weapon that wields the most consequence, a force truly to be ware and vigilant.
Introducing two characters of S-L-U:
The Apple and The Priestess
The Priestess:
(Role Band Leader)
Art byk_atrina
The Priestess, or divinely, The Saint, is a powerful willful entity, that seeks knowledge, and imparts rule fairly and truthfully. She carries with her an athame to connect her to the earth and heaven above, alternatively, she sometimes carries a sword of truth. Truth being her weapon, she is gifted with words, and spends much time drafting tales and sonnets to amuse and inspire others. As Priestess she is leader, and charged with banding together Ramiel's Covenant, a task she undauntedly carries on. She has metaphysical powers she uses to heal, cleanse energies, and enact her will for goodness, love, and jubilation.
The Priestess has traveled among many eras and moons. As Saint, The Priestess hails from some forgotten Isle near England. She has dwelt in a long forgotten Temple among mystical friends, and often travels to unknown destinations. Once, she met The Priest on one such journey, The Priestess and Priest began to partake in quests and missions to powerfully alter grand designs to their will. Together, they seek out those that may enable such acts of grace, and inspire all they meet with their magic and words. 巫女 神、サン 強力な意図的なエンティティである、 知識を求めて、 公正かつ正直にルールを与える。 彼女は彼女の短剣を運ぶ 彼女は、地球と天に接続するには、 また、彼女は時々 真実の剣を運ぶ。 真実は、彼女の武器であること 彼女は言葉で才能がある、 多くの時間製図物語と 『 ソネット集 』 を費やしています。 楽しませる、他人を刺激します。 巫女として彼女はリーダーです。 して、充電ラミエルの契約を一緒にバンド、 彼女は精悍に運ぶタスク。 彼女は形而上学的な力を持っています 彼女は使用して癒すために、エネルギーを浄化するには 彼女の良さ、愛、そして歓喜の意志を制定します。
尼僧は多くの時代 (年号) と衛星の間で旅しています。
一度、彼女は 1 つそのような旅に、司祭に会った
力強く彼らの意志にグランド デザインを変更するミッション。
Art by vampirekingdom
The Apple:
(Role Weapon of Sin/Guitar 1) |
Art by AppleDainty
The Black Poisoned Apple, or divinely, Apple Rose,
a character that embodies the weapon of Sin. The original Sin being that of knowledge; The Apple's wit will either Enlighten or corrupt. As an immortal vampiric angel of desire and enchantment, Sin is notably the most stealthy and cunning of all. Known for infectious charm and beguilement, that is irresistible and yet, able to temperate anyone, the witful and artful Black Poisoned Apple may either consume or inspire you, but only the Apple knows their own actions. The Apple is indulgent in love and beauty, and idles away many hours in the temple garden, relishing the peace they find there. Having joined with the Priestess via encouragement of a dear friend, The Apple has vast loyalty to any cause The Priestess deems worthy. The Apple is a valued member of Rammiel's Covenant for their wisdom and knowledge. It is The Apple's weapon that wields the most consequence, a force truly to be ware and vigilant.
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Art by Kharnage |
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